Robocode is a SIG dedicated to develop innovative computer science solutions. We specialize in fields ranging from Web Development to Machine learning.

In adherence to the programming languages and algorithms we master, our projects mainly involve developing solutions to machine learning and AI problems. Besides this, a part of the team is fully dedicated to web development; aiming to develop efficient, structured and creative front and back-end solutions.

With an all-round skilled team of programmers, learning and applying goes hand in hand. This pushes everyone to new limits and raises their tags in any language they aim to perfect.

RoboCodes is an integral part of FARC, NITK. The think tank of the club is involved in the computation part. This SIG helps to achieve a holistic approach for robotics and computational tools for autonomous systems as well as their main computational components: kinetic chains, sensing, and awareness, control systems, mapping, and navigation.

Optional modules in machine learning, human-machine interfaces, and computer vision help members grasp fields related to robotics more closely, while the project allows the members to focus on a specific research topic in depth. Our aim remains to achieve the best results and optimize the resources present in front of us to get the best out of them in the field of Robotics.



A lot of old abandoned mines and the newly dug mines are unsafe for human entry. The continuation of digging at a site also requires the study of rock composition, strength of walls, groundwater proximity, and chemical composition of air such that the use of explosives should be permitted or not. Here we can introduce automation.

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Sayak Nandi

RoboCode SIG Head

Saurabh Dewangan


Yash Agarwal


Arpit Jadiya

Executive Member

Srika Vasanth

Executive Member

Adithya M.

Executive Member

Pranshu Shukla


Ishaan Singh

Website Lead