RoboTronix is the Special Interest Group (SIG) of FARC dedicated to
electronics. The core of every robot relies on the embedded electronics system for receiving information
from the environment,
processing the data, and acting upon the environment. As a SIG of a robotics club, RoboTronix aims to use
electronics to improve the performance and capabilities of the robots of today.
Members of RoboTronix are motivated individuals with a passion for solving problems using electronics.
Members are familiar with software platforms like the Arduino IDE and Xilinx Vivado for FPGAs and hardware
platforms like the
Arduino Uno and Raspberry Pi. Our mission is to be a focal point for practical electronics in college,
applying concepts taught in the classrooms to solve real-world problems. Our vision is to see the
proliferation of electronic
systems in all spheres of life in order to improve the standard of living.